"It's The Party I Know."
-Kevin, The Office
The picture was clear, the baby was cooperative, it's a GIRL!!!
Of course they do every other measurement before they tell you the sex. The technician asked 'So what do you have at home?' I said, 'A girl. So what do I have in there?' She just laughed. I was serious. I had no clue up to that point. I was trying to see for myself but the baby was crossing its legs just like Abbey did--deja vu! I looked over at my friend, Christin {who was so sweet to offer to come with me when Justin couldn't} and said "You know, I think it's a girl." It was just so similar to the experience I had with Abbey's 20 week ultrasound.
Now I can't get these pictures out of my head. I think she'll look just like my Abbey-girl.
This new baby has a lot of cuteness to live up to, but I can still so perfectly recall this newborn face and I can't wait for another girl! I will admit there's a small disappointment it's not a boy but that more comes from the fear of never having a boy. And that fear stems from my husband's devotion to football. But I'm also super relieved and excited for a girl. What can I say? It's the party I know! And I'll feel much better about putting a girl in this room instead of a boy.
I just called my dad to tell him and he put it perfectly-he said he felt like a 'Daddy' to all his girls. He said J will be a good 'Dad' some day but he's such a great 'Daddy' right now. I agree.
Of course they do every other measurement before they tell you the sex. The technician asked 'So what do you have at home?' I said, 'A girl. So what do I have in there?' She just laughed. I was serious. I had no clue up to that point. I was trying to see for myself but the baby was crossing its legs just like Abbey did--deja vu! I looked over at my friend, Christin {who was so sweet to offer to come with me when Justin couldn't} and said "You know, I think it's a girl." It was just so similar to the experience I had with Abbey's 20 week ultrasound.
Now I can't get these pictures out of my head. I think she'll look just like my Abbey-girl.

I just called my dad to tell him and he put it perfectly-he said he felt like a 'Daddy' to all his girls. He said J will be a good 'Dad' some day but he's such a great 'Daddy' right now. I agree.
Yay for Abbey :) She is going to be such a good big sister and you're right about this new little girly having a lot of cuteness to live up to, but you and Justin couldn't make anyone but a gorgeous little girl! Congratulations! You know how fun it is to have sisters, so at least you know that Abbey will have at least one sister :)
CONGRATS! How incredibly fun :) My sister and I are really close. I hang out and talk to her a lot. It is so much fun having a sister, I am excited for Abbey. Congrats again!
PS did you try the pop trick?
Yeah for the pink team! Congrats. I agree, you will feel a little more at ease adding another girl to Abbeys adorable abode than you would risking the masculinity of a boy. (Or, at least risking J's masculinity.) I know Jack would love to sleep in a pink room.....
I knew it! I didnt vote on your other post, but I just had a feeling that Abs would probably be having a new lil' sister to play with around your place. Congrats you two! ps. I loved your beginning quote, well stated indeed.
Yaaaa-HOOOO! Congrats! Love love your darling pic! Wow. That is so wonderful. I hope you are feeling well. I love finding out what I am having...it lets you bond with the baby beFORE it comes. Love ya, cutie.
Horray. How fun and exciting. I love that I can peak in on your lives and keep updated on the amazing Paces!
yay smash! CONGRATS!! i totally thought it was a boy though:) this will be much easier on a student widow's budget though because you already have the girl stuff. major plus my dear.
oh, and don't blame the fear on j's football. he he although that is TRUE, i must say you are a tomboy at heart despite your girly ways. you love math (does that make me sexist? ok, girls are good at math too but boys just go into that field more), you were good friends to all the guys in college, and you like to play and watch sports like the guys.
so enjoy these girls while you can because i think you will eat up the little boys when they come... and yes, they WILL come. there is nothing sweeter than a little girl however! this is so exciting!
anyway congrats again! she will be darling if she looks anything like abbey!
I wish sure it was going to be a boy . . . shows you how much I know!! Congrats on another baby girl! I know she will be just as cute as Abbey!! :)
I hate to be wrong...darn I wish it was a boy! Oh well, another sweetie pie on the way. I hope the rest of the pregnancy goes well for you and post some pics in the 9month so we can see that you really are pregnant. I know you don't show at all until then so don't bother any time before that!
Congrats on being a girl! Add another congrats for being so far along. I have 4 1/2 weeks left to the B-day. I found your blog through Allison and Noah's. Check mine out sometime, it's quite new.
1. I am so excited for you! Two little girls in a row is so appealing to me!!
2. LOVE both the photograph and the scrapbooking of Abbey's baby pic
3. How are you feeling?
Congratulations! I'm so happy that Abbey's going to have a sister! And so close in age...you couldn't have planned it better! Plus she can wear all of Abbey's small clothes....they're in the same season and everything! I love finding out the gender of my babies....it makes it more real.
YAY! How exciting! I can just picture the pair Abbey and the little one will make. I always wanted to have a sister close to my age....they will have so much fun. I am so glad you wrote a little message on my blog because I have been out of the blogging world for a few weeks and once I saw your message I needed to come get a Pace update! We must be close....I am due May 10th. I must say I am excited about having a boy but now I have to get boy things....bring on the loans! :)
By the way....your pics and photoshop/scrapbooking skills are fabulous! I love the pics of Abby with the red hat a mittens. I've said it before and will say it again....you have a gift :)
YAY! Girls are so much fun! Of course I am a little bias having three. Abbey will love it
CONGRATS!! What could be more exciting than sisters:) I totally know what you mean about the fear of having only one sex, especially since I was never lucky enough to get a brother. Also, she will look pretty cute in that nursery! I love your house, you guys have some sweet decorating skills:)
I am so happy for you! I have loved having 2 girls. It has been wonderful! I am sure it will be for you too.
Congrats!! Abbey will love having a little sister. She will be beautiful just like her mom and sister.
AWESOME!!!! That is so exciting! Yes, this little one is going to have a lot of cuteness to live up to, but I'm not too worried - she is bound to be darling! :) I'm so excited for you!!!!!!
Yeah for the Pace family! Abbey gets another sister. Sisters--Sisters...there's nothin' like them! That's super fun! The sweet Pace girls are on their way!
Hey Ashley- I think I've figured out how to make a comment without having a blog of my own. :) I love your blog, it is so much fun to check out once and a while and see what you are up too.
Congrats on your new baby girl! She is going to be beautiful. 2 girls...wow! How much fun!
I'm joining in your fun and a few weeks ago we found out I am pregant too! Ty and I are so excited!!!!
PS. Just realized I didn't reveal myself. It's me Laura. :)
Congratulations you guys! That is always exciting news. Girls are so much fun. Justin will get his boy one day!!! By the way, Abbey was so cute when she was little. Isn't it funny how fast they grow up and I always forget their cute newborn faces.
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