Do you want to know what is totally awesome? Girl weekends. Never done one before...and I'm hooked!
I met up with four friends in Chicago for the weekend. We were flying in or taking the train from different places, but all miraculously made it to the Windy City within a half hour of each other.
{ old fun run buddy, jayne, getting her tunes ready...}
My favorite part was our morning jog along the beach. Not so much because I love to jog (I actually don't). And it isn't that I don't love the touristy stuff. But when I travel, I love to do the things that I would do if I actually lived in the city. It was a gorgeous morning, fantastic view and with all the city energy, I could have gone forever.

{...jayne, ashley, & katherine @ the robie house...}
The hotel clerk strongly encouraged us not to venture to Hyde Park to see this Frank Lloyd Wright home since it would be difficult to catch a cab back to the city. While we dove into the tourist guide to find something else, I kept studying the map, trying to figure out a way. So against her advice, and with my two obliging friends, we headed out. It did not disappoint! And we made our way back just fine on the train.
I don't know at what point I became exposed to Frank Lloyd Wright. I have a feeling it was from my Grandpa Furniss. But it was a treat for me to get to go inside one for the first time.

We also had some time to explore the surrounding neighborhood.

And pretend to be models with some alley walking :)

I'll stick in this picture because Katherine actually looks like a model. Sheesh, girl!
This is right outside the courtyard of The Robie House.
I didn't want to drag my camera around all weekend and happened to take it the one day we parted ways for the afternoon. So Natalie and Jessica are MIA on this post, but their company was delightful. These four ladies are all hilarious, smart, and so easy-going. Perfect combination.
{ old fun run buddy, jayne, getting her tunes ready...}
My favorite part was our morning jog along the beach. Not so much because I love to jog (I actually don't). And it isn't that I don't love the touristy stuff. But when I travel, I love to do the things that I would do if I actually lived in the city. It was a gorgeous morning, fantastic view and with all the city energy, I could have gone forever.

{...jayne, ashley, & katherine @ the robie house...}
The hotel clerk strongly encouraged us not to venture to Hyde Park to see this Frank Lloyd Wright home since it would be difficult to catch a cab back to the city. While we dove into the tourist guide to find something else, I kept studying the map, trying to figure out a way. So against her advice, and with my two obliging friends, we headed out. It did not disappoint! And we made our way back just fine on the train.
I don't know at what point I became exposed to Frank Lloyd Wright. I have a feeling it was from my Grandpa Furniss. But it was a treat for me to get to go inside one for the first time.

We also had some time to explore the surrounding neighborhood.

And pretend to be models with some alley walking :)

I'll stick in this picture because Katherine actually looks like a model. Sheesh, girl!
This is right outside the courtyard of The Robie House.
I didn't want to drag my camera around all weekend and happened to take it the one day we parted ways for the afternoon. So Natalie and Jessica are MIA on this post, but their company was delightful. These four ladies are all hilarious, smart, and so easy-going. Perfect combination.