But I think it's important to not be stifled or scared when thinking about what you really want to be. So this CD gave me all this confidence and ambition. For about thirty seconds before I realized I don't really know what I want. Hmmm. Artsy? Musical? Well-read? Funny? Sporty? All of the above, please. Well. I DO know that I want a strong, close family and a home where people always feel welcomed and comfortable. I guess that's a start.
There's this great family in our ward that I really look up to. I probably shouldn't post their names, but I wish I could. Justin and I really look up to what they are doing with their kids. All of them are so polite, helpful, supportive of each other, kind to each other. Their son mowed our lawn all last summer and when Justin went to pay him, he said 'Oh, just put it in the scouting fund.' What 13 year old boy says that? Their oldest daughter is adorable--sweet, talented, gorgeous. She has missed out on many high school dances because she doesn't like the music they play and feels like it's not a good environment. So I've been trying to pick their mom's brain before I leave here to see how they've raised such a great family. So far she's been pretty coy about my insistence that she has done a great job. Actually, she's probably just humble about it, huh. Well, that makes my quest even harder.