Hooray! My fabulous friend lent me a card reader so I could finally pull these pictures off my camera (thanks Kathy, it worked!)
The night before I flew to visit family, my friend threw an awesome theme party. In fact, I purposefully scheduled my flight the next day so I would be sure not to miss it. I spent the night before making my costume but realized I was
seriously underdressed as I drove up and saw the Ansons:

Heather (Party Hostess Extraordinaire) puts this huge party together every year. I don't know what past party themes have been, but I was oh so happy it was 'Caveman' this year so LeAnn could scheme Randy into this getup: (yeah, that's SUPER glued on!)

We split into teams and went through a series of challenges--here are the first groups learning they have to suck a chicken bone clean then try and toss it in a kiddie pool across the yard:

This is one of my favorite 'old' couples. I use the term loosely because they are too hilarious and fun to be deemed

This picture captured one of my favorite moments of the night. I missed the instructions for this particular challenge because I was just inside the door taking care of Hayden. I watched these ladies struggle putting together this little dinosaur, and truly, it did look hard. But when it was all over (probably a good 20-30 minutes later) I heard someone say "Come on! It says for ages 4-6 on the box!"