Apparently if you lose control and/or cry enough in one day, your otherwise distant toddler will take some pity and give into some lovin'. As the last straw in a pretty crappy day, Abbey would not stay in her room. My plan of attack so far (thank you Super Nanny) has been to not say a word and just walk her back to bed. I was simply too tired last night and could sense she was a little fragile (probably due to my aforementioned meltdowns), so we went and crawled into my bed and cuddled :) I honestly couldn't believe she was snuggling then she started patting and tickling my arm. It was just what I needed, sweet girl.
As she drifted off to sleep, I thought 'I could get used to this. I'm instituting the 'family bed'.' And I did. For another hour when Justin got home and promptly carried her into her own room! Ha ha, it was a nice thought. I do take naps with Hayden during the day, so maybe that's how I'll get away with it.
Who wouldn't want to wake up to these beautiful mugs?

Ok, ok, this isn't how Hayden looks when she wakes up. I don't let her sleep naked with a perfectly placed hair bow--this was for picture purposes :) But this is the Abster right after a nap--messy hair, no shirt, wrapped in her 'bankie'.