I Laugh Because You Can't Do Anything About It!
I love that quote, it's written on
Charyce's daughters' bedroom wall. I was thinking about each of my sisters last night--how different they are, but how great they are. Aren't they beautiful? OK, yes, the middle, handsome fella is NOT a sister, but I love this picture of all of us. From L-R, me, Koryn, Collin, Allison, and Megan. Here's my spin on each of them:
Koryn: Koryn is the big sister everyone wishes they had. Who else would bring her 7 & 8 year old sisters to hang out with her and her boyfriend the night before he left on his mission. Actually, now that I write that, maybe Mom and Dad made her take us :) But nonetheless, she was always cool about having her little sisters tag along and we adored her. I'm sure that explains my love of Wayne's World, Better Off Dead, and Biolage shampoo! Koryn has flawless taste and the 'gift of gab'. And I love that she knows how to shake it in her Turbo Jam classes--I wish she lived closer so she could be my private aerobic instructor every day!
Allison: It wasn't always fun being compared to my unusually bright YOUNGER sibling, but I couldn't be more proud of my talented, beautiful, ambitious, articulate little sister. This girl knows me better than any one else. Mostly because we used eachother's weaknesses as ammunition when we were younger. Thank heavens that passed because she and I couldn't be better friends now. I love that people can tell right away that we are sisters--not because we look much alike, but because our mannerisms and humor are so similar. She's one of those people who can find an outfit for less than $20 that looks like a million.
Megan: I'm not kidding, Megan has been the sweetest thing since the day she was born. I'm sure the whole family would agree, there isn't a bad bone in her body. But she doesn't get walked on. I loved watching her in basketball games. I think she was the designated captain to talk to the referees if there was a problem and she would always calmly walk over and speak her peace, even though you had to think she was going crazy inside. She just seems to have it all together--much more than I did at her age.
Collin: All right, the baby of the family, can't leave him out. Poor boy, growing up with five moms. He's quite the little stud and so sweet and respectful. Watch out ladies...