That's right, one year older. I love birthdays. I adopted a new philosophy a few years ago that it does no good to sit around waiting for others to make your birthday special. You know how it goes--waiting to see who remembers, keeping a running tally of the family and friends who call. It always led to a good day laced with an undertone of bitterness for the ones who forgot. Lame.
A while ago Koryn told me that in Holland, YOU celebrate your birthday. You bring cake for everyone at the office and let them join in the celebration. I love that! J had the day off so we were going to go celebrate the day away but the Abster woke up with a virus and a crib full of vomit. I was just as happy to stay home, watch movies all afternoon and fiddle around with the perfect gift J got me.
The Brimhalls called and casually invited us over for dinner. Since their little guy already has what Abbey caught, we saw no problem going over and letting the little germies play. We walked in to balloons and streamers and a fantastic meal. And lest I forget, Miss Katie let me wear her Hello Kitty crown and necklace all night. And I did! You guys are great, I was so surprised and happy. {
Sorry to the friends who were kindly uninvited due to the aforementioned germs...}

I wasn't going to post this picture but I love it now that we've both broke down in laughter several times over J's photo skills. This is the picture J caught of my momentous 25th birthday candle moment. In all fairness, he was trying not to trip as Abbey was crawling between his legs. And he said he wasn't ready when I just 'went ahead and blew out the candles.' Call me crazy, but isn't it tradition to blow the candles out right after the 'Happy Birthday' song is done? I thought that was plenty of prep time. Oh, good thing he's cute. And smart. And helpful. And sweet.
Happy Birth Day to you too, Mom. I think the moms should get to celebrate the day as well--they were the ones doing all the work that day! Sounds like I'm revamping birthdays, huh. Well, maybe I am. :)