Sunday, September 27, 2009

Week Two

Straight from Joanie: Here is my 'something pretty'. Baking with my kids. Also the fact that my baby slept in until 7:15 today AND he napped for over 3 hours. Good day!


Did you know that little guy was actually supposed to be Hayden's twin? Seriously, he is the boy version of her. But Heavenly Father knew that they were hard enough one at a time and would do in any mother who had them both, so He split them up :) Joanie, one day they should meet, don't you think?

And then from the swell life, a link to this adorable mini first-day-of-school album. This just makes my fingers ache to do some scrapbooking. I swore off it last year, but I miss it. I really do. This might pull me back in.


How was your Monday? I'm still in my pj's, so pretty good around here!


Joanie said...

Definitely. They should probably just get married. Then they would have kids that were just like them and you and I could just laugh (and offer advice, of course).

Danette said...

Spoiled I'd say, I was in work clothes by 5:30 a.m.!
I wanted to let you know that the boys in my family have decided that they do not want to do family pictures. WHAT??? Yes, it is true and I let them decide. I'm always forcing them into it and when I asked when would be a good time to take a trip to see you, they both grumbled. I then let them decide if they wanted to do them or not and as you now know, it was not.
Keion said it was the best Christmas present I could ever get him...I guess he really hates doing the picture thing. Makes me sad but oh well, maybe next year.
You really should do more photography, I know I will send friends your way if you do, you have a gift, really.

Tristie hearts Dax said...

WAY cool, ashley.

thanks for sharing and being you. I love it. And I LOVE that mini album. My fingers are aching. but i have been filling my craving with other creative avenues... sewing, oh yeah, and crocheting. I am almost done with the 3rd hat. will need your address very soon. email me! said...

what cuties! here's to sleeping in and long napping. i swear i'll be a different person when my little guy starts sleeping through the night. :)

thanks so much for the shout out. i am inspired to get back to scrapping also!