Wednesday, July 16, 2008

This Could Get Interesting

I saw this on a friend's blog and thought it was a great idea. Don't feel obligated!!! I just knew my sisters could come up with some good ones... Ha ha, how's that for some pressure?

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.


Jill said...

I remember schooling you at hand and foot haha! Just kidding, I have so many fond memories of you! Ok here is one, you had gone to our church the first time since having Abbey, and I had Grant. You told me that it was funny how Abbey looked a lot bigger to you now.I remember you looked so gorgeous(not fair you just had a baby), and such a natural at motherhood. Oh and your hippo cake, Alyssa will forever remember that. She always asks me for a pink hippo cake, but alas I am not as talented as you are to even attempt such a feat.

Did I flatter you enough to make up for the hand and foot memory(am I even saying that right)? I will have to post this on my blog a bit later, like maybe tomorrow, I have wild kids that decided to no longer play by themselves.

Angie said...

I believe it was the first night I met you. Wil and Justin were already such good friends. The first night I met Ashley though we were in SLC with a big group of your friends at a sit down restaurant late at night. I just told Wil I was pregnant with Zach...but the crazy thing was when you brought your book and bag of all wedding important info, set it on the side of your feet on the floor only for the waitress to come and spill a pitcher of water all over the pictures. i remember helping you lay them all out on the table trying to clean them and dry them off. Ha Ha it's funny now huh. Not so much that night though.

Angie said...

I have to leave a comment about Justin as well.
Wil and Justin served their mission together and were good friends. I had heard many stories of Justin. The first time I met him was a pretty funny story. He had been home from his mission just a few days when Wil and I got married in CA. We came to Utah for a second reception and Justin came to our Honeymoon suite at our hotel to "Hang out" I remember just the three of us sitting on our bed chit chatting. You have to admit that left a memory for you too Justin. Ha Ha

allegra said...

this little tag/game really is going around. I've seen it on like 10 blogs now. tara had it on her blog too and was mad I wasn't playing along so I guess I'll give it a go on mine this time perhaps:) hmmm, a memory we've had together? there are too many good ones.. what about the interesting conversations we would have with good old brad and michael freshman year, or country line dancing our little freshman guts out at the skyline, or the howls...ah so many good ones to choose. good times, good times. what else? oh yes, the first time I heard you play your violin freshman year I was in awe, and then at your wedding you played and almost brought me to tears. What about going to Bear Lake Freshman year with the gang, or all our runs we'd take up the hill and even through the good old Logan Cemetery. but my two most favorite moments i've shared with you are (1) when we saw/heard that naked mooner standing on the bull outside our apt in Pineview, and (2) when you consoled me when Dan brought Stacey to a group event while I was there. I was about to cry and only you could see I was hurt and was there for me. awww, how sweet:) lol.

Chantel said...

Thanks for sharing your memory!! I remember being your visiting teacher. I loved coming to you, we always had a good time. I also remember I sat next to you the Sunday before I had Morgan and I kept thinking "She is so tiny, I hope I don't smash her!"

Writer J said...

What I can remember about you was when we were up at Girl's camp. I just remember that you were always so positive, despite all of us being sweaty, smelling of bug spray and camp fire :) I'm not sure who was all there---besides Whitney-- that year...I was probably only a beehive at that time.

The Hodsons said...

Ashley, I have a ton of fun memories with you from Jr High and High School! I remember admiring you always for being so fun and smart and always being a great example to those around you. But a specific memory that comes to mind is our "Jurrasic Park" Video we made either in 9th or 10th grade. What a great Benjamina you were...definitley an oscar worthy performance haha!!!!

jayne said...

I remember the first night I met you---some get-to-know you party at Raquels house. We were the very last two to leave, and we left like 2 hours after everyone else. Good times. I also remember "training" for the fun run with you and how you kept saying how horrible you'd be, and then how you totally kicked my butt in the end.

Nat and Dave said...

How fun! I love this idea! Ok...So this is the first thing that came to mind..its kinda silly but here goes. I remember playing with you at your old house on birch creek and falling in your window well and sliding down the brick on your house. Your mom wrapped me up in gause, and it hurt so bad. I tried so hard not to cry cus i didn't want to go home, but it really hurt. I remember you asking me if I was ok and I tried to be all tough so your mom didn't call my mom but deep inside I just wanted to cry cus it hurt so bad!! ha ha That is the first memory that came into my mind! :) Good times!

Allison and Noah Riley said...

Well, the obvious one is the time you drooled your cherry Now and Later saliva into my mouth that time you tackled and pinned me (how did you DO that at a whopping 70 lbs?). But what sisters DON'T have that in their memory repetoire?

No... instead I'll reminisce about the time we went hiking with dad and sang Chicago's "Look Away" the ENTIRE way down the mountain. I still can't hear the song without my quads burning a little.

A few other less-developed memories:

The giant thing of honey in the Burch Creek house's cold storage room.

Playing hide and seek and making the laundry room "free" because we snuck through the hall closet to get there.

Driving home from Shaw's at 2:00 a.m. and driving PAST Dad. Oops.

Seeing you from the bus as we passed Bonneville and you were wearing my striped sweater. Dang you.

Jackson Hole and Team Hobbs.

You pointing Justin out to me for the first time and telling me about his creepy baby jokes.

Our amazing Barbie house.

Ashley said...

Awesome! No pressure needed, you schooled it! Although, I'm sure we could have done without the saliva reminder...

Jodie B. said...

I just remember stamping and scraping with you. You have such a creative side- it was great to hear your ideas! Can't wait to do it again soon!

Precept said...

Well of course my favorite is the story you told about when you and Justin were driving along in the car and he pulled over in the rest stop for what you thought would be a small catnap, when out of no where this little person (can we say midget?) knocked on the window and when you opened the door, told you to be careful of all the red feathers and then proceeded to attempt to climb in the car. And there you were, two nice people trying to decide if you should drive away and rish running over this little person, or just let them get in the car, and so while you were stalling trying to decide what to do, the little guy climbed into the seat and pushed you into the middle parking brake and then turned to you and blew all these red feathers onto your hair and...oh yeah, that was a dream. Sorry

Katherine said...

Monster jugs.

Enough said.

Maddie said...

I am thrown by what Katherine just wrote.
I think my fav. mem. about you is you are so kind, and likeable. You know the kind of person who is so kind and generous that it makes you want to aspire to that. Your one great gal.

Raquel said...

the above was from me Raquel. I must have been logged in under Maddies name. Oops

Corie said...

Ashley, hi! It's Corie from good old Pineview at USU... remember me? I am just now getting into this blogging thingy and saw yours linked to Kristin's. I've loved seeing your cute family. Your girls are precious! I'll be sure to keep checking in to see how you're doing. My blog is Hope you're doing well!

rebecca said...

One little memory that's popping out was one day when you just stopped by out of the blue and brought me some cinnamon rolls you had just made :) Those were the best!!!

Anonymous said...

making Uncle Sam crafts on my front stairs! Scrapbooking on your big black table! Planning meetings! you are so fun to be around and i am so glad we got to serve in Enrichment together and become good friends.

Ryan and Rikke said...

Apparently I'm not good at keeping up with my own blog or checking other people's. Unfortunately almost all of my memories of you have to do with accounting. Awesome, right? Let's's what I've got so far: naming people in our class after animals (wasn't someone a sloth? the girl who started crying in auditing?), having the audit teacher point out to the whole class how long your legs were (let's call it what it was - the audit teacher hitting on you), me, you, Laura and Erik working on our killer accounting project and laughing the entire time...that's all I've got so far. All I know is those classes were so much better because you were in them with me!